Lower crustal intrusion and role of detachment faulting during continental breakup
Report 1054 - Derek Keir, Cecile Doubre, Hakim Ahmed, Alessandro La Rosa, Carolina Pagli, Sylvie Leroy (2020)
Mapping the slip rate, geometry and tectonic geomorphology of en echelon faulting in the Aremogna Plain, central Apennines, Italy
Report 1051 - Peter R Sammonds (2019)
Investigating mass loss processes on Khumbu Glacier, Nepal
Report 1050 - Duncan J Quincey, Owen King, Cameron S Watson (2017)
Calving Glaciers: Long-term Validation and Evidence (CALVE)
Report 1049 - Danni M Pearce, Brice R Rea, Douglas Mair, Nick Kamenos, Kate Schoenrock (2017)
The hidden hazard of melting ground-ice in northern Iceland
Report 1048 - Costanza Morino, Susan J Conway, Matthew Balme (2017)