The NERC Geophysical Equipment Facility (GEF) loans equipment suitable for geophysical research free of charge to UK universities and other institutes engaged in environmental research within the NERC remit.
The Facility operates as three nodes :-
- GEF (Edinburgh) is located within the School of GeoSciences at the University of Edinburgh and forms the central administrative node and specialises in support for geophysics fieldwork by supplying Global Navigational Satellite Systems (GNSS), Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), Geomagnetic survey equipment and Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) systems.
- GEF (Leicester) - SEIS-UK is located within the Department of Geology at Leicester University and specialises in support for Seismology.
- OBIF (Ocean Bottom Instrument Facility) is located within Durham and Southampton Universities and specialises in seabed multi-sensor geophysical instrumentation.
Next deadline: 11th April 2025
How to apply
Our committee meets every 6 months to consider new loan applications. The next deadline is shown above. We are currently piloting a scheme for smaller loans of GNSS equipment that can be applied for out with the committee meetings. Further details and eligibility criteria on our minor loans page.
All applications must be on our official application form.
If your project is funded by a NERC research grant, it is important to discuss your requirements with us prior to submission of the grant application. It is now a requirement to attach a quotation document to NERC grants (all responsive mode schemes, research programmes, fellowships - but not studentships) detailing the notional cost of our services. Please contact us before the grant deadline and we will provide this document. Further information is available on our application page.