Tomographic imaging of the Askja magma chamber and magmatic seismicity under Vatnajökull, Iceland
Report 980 - Robert S White (2017)
Geophysically Imaging Beneath Mt. Paektu Volcano, DPRK (August 2013 – August 2015)
Report 976 - James Hammond (2016)
Seismic vibration measurements near high speed railway lines to validate University of Edinburgh developed software
Report 971 - Prof M.C. Forde, D.P. Connolly (2013)
Tomographic imaging of the Askja magma chamber and magmatic seismicity under Vatnajökull, Iceland
Report 968 - Robert S White (2017)
SCANLIPS3D - SCANdinavian LIthosphere P and S wave experiment 3 D
Report 959 - Richard W England, Jörg Ebbing, Walid Ben Mansour (2015)