(This list is currently being compiled. Please send any additions/corrections to gef@nerc.ac.uk)
Ebinger, C., Reiss, M.C., Bastow, I. and Karanja, M.M., 2024, Shallow sources of upper mantle seismic anisotropy in East Africa, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 625, p118488, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2023.118488, (GEF Loan 1093)
Fone, J., Rawlinson, N., Pilia, S., Gilligan, A., Cornwell, D.G. and Tongkul, F., 2024, Ambient Noise Tomography of Northern Borneo Reveals Evidence of Subduction and Post‐Subduction Processes, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 129(11), doi: 10.1029/2024JB029092, (GEF Loan 1038)
Gauntlett, M., Stephenson, S.N., Kendall, J., Ogden, C., Hammond, J.O.S., Hudson, T., Goitom, B. and Ogubazghi, G., 2024, The Dynamic Crust of Northern Afar and Adjacent Rift Margins: New Evidence From Receiver Function Analysis in Eritrea and Ethiopia, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 25(6), doi: 10.1029/2023GC011314, (GEF Loan 976)
Han, C., Hammond, J.O., Ballmer, M.D., Wei, W., Xu, M., Huang, Z. and Wang, L., 2024, Multi-scale anisotropy in NE China: Evidence for localized mantle upwelling, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 625, p118495, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2023.118495, (GEF Loan 976)
Han, J., Rawlinson, N., Greenfield, T., White, R.S., Brandsdottir, B., Winder, T. and Drouin, V., 2024, Evidence of a Shallow Magma Reservoir Beneath Askja Caldera, Iceland, From Body Wave Tomography, Geophysical Research Letters, 51(9), doi: 10.1029/2023GL107851, (GEF Loans 1133, 1159)
Harmon, N., Rychert, C.A. and and Keir, D., 2024, Anisotropic Seismic Structure of the Northern East African Rift System and Red Sea from Surface Waves, In: Rifting and Sediments in the Red Sea and Arabian Gulf Regions, p146-161, doi: 104001593X, (GEF Loan 1054)
Kaerger, L., Del Ventisette, C., Vannucchi, P., Molli, G., Pagli, C. and Keir, D., 2024, Relocation of earthquake clusters show seismogenic transverse structures in the Inner Northern Apennines (Italy), Frontiers in Earth Science, 12, doi: 10.3389/feart.2024.1474036, (GEF Loan 1150)
Kounoudis, R., Kendall, J.-.M., Ogden, C.S., Fishwick, S., Chifwepa, C. and Daly, M.C., 2024, The tectonic development of the Central African Plateau: evidence from shear-wave splitting, Geophysical Journal International, 239(3), p1694-1708, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggae345, (GEF Loan 1110)
La Rosa, A., Pagli, C., Wang, H., Sigmundsson, F., Pinel, V. and Keir, D., 2024, Simultaneous rift-scale inflation of a deep crustal sill network in Afar, East Africa, Nature Communications, 15(1), doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-47136-4, (GEF Loan 1054)
Li, L., Collier, J., Henstock, T. and Goes, S., 2024, Downward continued ocean bottom seismometer data show continued hydrothermal evolution of mature oceanic upper crust, Geology, 52(9), p717-722, doi: 10.1130/G52329.1
Muluneh, A., Brune, S., Pagli, C., La Rosa, A., Keir, D., Neuharth, D. and Corti, G., 2024, To Rotate or to Link? The Connection Between the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Rifts in Central Afar, Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12), doi: 10.1029/2024GL108732, (GEF Loan 1054)
Peirce, C. and Hobbs, R.W., 2024, Oceanic crust - seismic structure, lithology and the cause of the 2A Event at borehole 504B, Geophysical Journal International, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggae029
Schlegel, R., Brisbourne, A.M., Smith, A.M., Booth, A.D., Murray, T., King, E.C. and Clark, R.A., 2024, Subglacial bedform and moat initiation beneath Rutford Ice Stream, West Antarctica, Geomorphology, 458, p109207, doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2024.109207, (GEF Loan 887)
Tary, J.B., Peirce, C., Hobbs, R.W., Bonilla Walker, F., De La Hoz, C., Bird, A. and Vargas, C.A., 2024, Application of a seismic network to baleen whale call detection and localization in the Panama basin - a Bryde’s whale example, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, doi: 10.1121/10.0025290
Conference Proceedings
Hicks, S.P., J Gonzalez, P., Fernandes, R., Ferreira, A., Ramalho, R., Mitchell, N., Lomax, A., Carrilho, F., Custódio, S., Dias, N.A., Fontiela, J., Mendes, V., Garcia, A… .M., Marignier, A., Marques, R., Miranda, M., Melo, O., Pimentel, A., Silveira, G., and Tsekhmistrenko, M. and and the rest of the Sao Jorge investigation group, 2024, Growing an ocean island: high-precision seismicity reveals a multi-faceted magma intrusion during the 2022 São Jorge, Azores seismic crisis, EGU, Vienna, EGU General Assembly, EGU24-14605, doi: 10.5194/egusphere-egu24-14605, (GEF Loan 1153)
Kounoudis, R., Bastow, I.D., Ebinger, C.J., Zhou, P., Goes, S.D.B., Ogden, C.S. and Ayele, A., 2024, Variable Magmatic Modification of the East African Lithosphere, AGU Fall Meeting, EOS, Transactions, AGU, V54A-01, (GEF Loan 1093)
Kounoudis, R., Ogden, C.S., Kendall, M., Fishwick, S., Chifwepa, C. and Daly, M.C., 2024, Probing the Lithospheric Structure of the Central African Plateau, Zambia: Insights from Receiver Function and Shear-Wave Splitting Analysis, AGU Fall Meeting, EOS, Transactions, AGU, T43C-3316, (GEF Loan 1110)
Woodward, A., Bastow, I.D., Ville, L., Fry, B., Merry, T., Jacobs, K. and Lane, V., 2024, Local Earthquake Analysis at the Northern Hikurangi Margin in a Region of Repeating Slow Slip Events, AGU Fall Meeting, EOS, Transactions, AGU, S31D-3274, (GEF Loan 1039)
PhD Theses
Everest, J.J., 2024, Functional diversity: quantifying patterns across the tundra biome, University of Edinburgh, doi: 10.7488/era/5307, (GEF Loan 1152)
Gallois, E., 2024, (A)synchrony of above- and below-ground productivity in a warming tundra biome, University of Edinburgh, doi: 10.7488/era/4671, (GEF Loan 1152)
Johnston, A., 2024, Optimising peatland gully block design for Natural Flood Management, University of Manchester, (GEF Loan 1135)
Kaerger, L., 2024, Tectonic activity in western Tuscany, Italy: A tectono-geomorphic and seismotectonic analysis, University of Florence, (GEF Loan 1150)