Insights on the formation of glacial bedforms and ice-bed interaction using fluting field morphometrics, sedimentology and sediment thicknesses

Matteo Spagnolo
This is a Full Scientific Report resulting from NERC Geophysical Equipment Facility Loan 1008, principal investigator Dr Matteo Spagnolo


Ground penetrating radar (GPR) data were collected on the forefield of Isfallsglaciaren, Tarfala, northern Sweden. The aim of the survey was to gather information regarding the internal composition of flutes, a type of subglacial bedform commonly found on glacier forefields, the origin of which is debated. Adverse weather conditions, combined with the clayey, boulder-rich substrate that was surveyed limited the utility of the GPR. Future work will focus upon characterising the morphology of the forefield’s flutes, which were imaged using a UAV during the field campaign.