Seismicity of the Krafla Caldera and Geothermal Area, Iceland

Robert S. White, Jon Tarasewicz
Seismicity of the Krafla Caldera and Geothermal Area, Iceland
This is a Full Scientific Report resulting from NERC Geophysical Equipment Facility Loan 891, principal investigator Prof Robert White.


This loan comprised fifteen 8 Gb Guralp 6TD seismometers, which were deployed in and around the Krafla caldera in NE Iceland (Fig. 1) during July 2009‒September 2010. The work was supported by a NERC research grant and NERC PhD student Jon Tarasewicz. The SEIS-UK 6TD seismometers were supplemented by 9 Cambridge 6TDs, plus ancillary solar panels and batteries from Cambridge. Preliminary results include recording and locating >3,000 microearthquakes that we attribute primarily to geothermal exploitation in the caldera and to the cooling of a shallow magma chamber and hydrothermal activity associated with it.