Urgency Application Procedue

Only under the most exceptional circumstances will applications be handled outwith the committee meetings. Exceptionally, an application may be submitted at any time for rapid consideration under an urgency procedure. This is permitted only in cases where the application has been prompted by an unexpected and transient scientific opportunity (e.g. earthquake, drought, temporary exposure or short-timescale event in an ecosystem).

Time-limited logistical events, such as an unforeseen opportunity to participate in a particular experimental or observational programme or the availability of staff or facilities, will not normally be accepted as grounds for urgency.

The committee’s decision on whether a loan can be classed as urgent is final.

Urgent applications consist of the same documents as a standard loan (online application form and separate case for support) plus a separate case for urgency.

GEF Application Form

An application to the GEF must now be made via our online form. Once completed, please also email your case for support and case for urgency to gef@nerc.ac.uk.

Application form

Guidance notes are available to help you complete the form and construct your Case for Support.