Standard Application Procedue

The GEF Steering Committee meet twice a year (usually May and November) to consider standard loan application requests for equipment. The next deadline for these application is 13th October 2023. The committee meet approximately 5 weeks after this deadline, so you should expect to hear the outcome of your application shortly after this time.

Please note that the Facility can experience high demand for certain equipment types and we therefore recommend that you apply in plenty of time before your fieldwork is due to start, ideally at least one meeting in advance (i.e. 6 months).

Standard applications consist of our online application form plus a separate case for support.

New users are encouraged to submit their applications at least one month before the deadline to allow us to check your form and provide any feedback before the meeting.

GEF Application Form

An application to the GEF must now be made via our online form. Once completed, please also email your case for support to

Application form

Guidance notes are available to help you complete the form and construct your Case for Support.